A little bit of randomness. I have so many interests--instead of making different blogs for different topics, I'm hoping to group them all under one heading. This blog will be the song, product, scripture, hike, or quote that's on my mind that day. I hope you enjoy it!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
hike: Natchez Trace State Park
Look under "Wildersville."
event: Oyster Race Training
Look under Goodlettsville on the dates September 28 and 30.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
event: Oyster Racing Series - Nashville
Thursday, October 1, 2009
event: Staff Fun Day
That site does not list my posts by day, but rather by location. To find the Staff Fun Day post, look under Hendersonville, TN and then click on Sept. 23, 2009. There is also an album of pictures there. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
hike: Hamilton Creek Park
Look under Nashville, September 20, 2009.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
scripture: Psalm 37:4-5
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass." Psalm 37:4-5
This verse has been coming up repeatedly for the last week. I feel like my life is in a really good place at the moment, so I'm not sure what this desire is. I know that I desire to always be growing in my relationship with God, and I have recently joined a Sunday School class at my church. For the last year, I have just been taking classes on Wednesday night, but that doesn't give you the fellowship that a Sunday school class does. I just know that generally when a verse repeatedly appears, you need to pay attention. God knows what we desire even better than we do.
Check out Rhythm's song "Delight" for a great song to go with this verse.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
cupcake: Flamingos!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
song: On the Willows
I have had the song "On the Willows" from the musical Godspell stuck in my head for days now. A verse in my current Bible Study, The Way of Discernment, made me think of it, though once I fully recalled the song, it was unrelated to the verse I was reading.
The lyrics are:
"On the willows there, we hung up our lyres
For our captors there required
Of us songs and our tormentors mirth,
Saying, 'Sing us one of the songs of Zion.'
But how can we sing, sing the Lord's song in a foreign land?"
This song is taken from Psalm 137. Over and over again, the Hebrew people were placed in captivity in other lands. We find the Babylonians demanding joyful singing from the Hebrews, but they refused and hung their instruments on the surrounding trees instead.
I wonder if the Babylonians were drawn at all to the faith of God's people. What made them ask for singing? Was it for their own entertainment? Were the Babylonians mocking them? Did they want to know more about Zion? Did the Hebrews miss out on an opportunity for evangelism by refusing?
In a way we are all in a foreign land. We were made for heaven, not for this world full of pain, oppression, and hunger. But aren't we supposed to sing anyway? I know in my darkest of moments, it was music of worship that provide the greatest sense of peace and a vision for my next steps. Music also helps us remember our history, our covenents with God, His words to us. Music is one of our greatest teaching tools. I'm not saying it's always easy, but some of my most meaningful experiences with God have come when I am knealt before Him, offering what I can.
We are at a place in our story where there is a lot of uncertainty. We don't know what will become of our jobs, our security, or our nation. I think it is essential that we continue to sing even through our pain.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
fragrance: Ralph Lauren Notorious

fragrance: My Gateway Back to Perfume
I started searching around online for more fig fragrances to try and came across the wonderful blog "Now Smell This." It's a blog devoted entirely to fragrance: perfumes, candle, lotions, room sprays, etc. It has been several years since I wore perfume with any regularity, since I find most perfume counters to be intimidating. I am not a person who enjoys a lot of individual attention, and of course, I also didn't know what I was looking for. Now Smell This really helped me find fragrances with notes I wanted to try.
The best part? I found out that there are places where you can get samples and try the perfumes in the comfort of your own home! I often found that I liked a fragrance in the store, but after wearing it for awhile, it didn't jive with my body chemistry. I have learned so much through this site about fragrance notes, types of perfumes, sites for swaps and splits, and decanting (where you transfer the perfume into a smaller vial or bottle). It's becoming a really fun little hobby!